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Thursday 11 June 2015


Yey i finished my examination and i free at home do what i want to do , so wait the holiday and got report school average . and today my BFF tasya going to singapore , sian lah . i really want to go , cause here's feel so lonely and dont know what i want to do . 

Last night someone DM me on instagram about it was different my natural and makeup . so this is haters took for me since i goes home with them . so i just want to say haha " dont think you look so perfect , theres alot perfect more then you " so these people always judge an entertain stuff . i dont know why they looks so envy about this stuff one ,  weird ! i want makeup or no makeup what is your business ? I'll makeup sometimes when i was heading out with my friends , family , go for shopping and etc . you've took for me that picture it was im schooling , so i ask you and wash your BRAIN first before DM me , is school can makeup ? just think once again :) if school can makeup maybe i'll do my makeup on everyday  !

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