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Sunday 16 February 2014

WHAT THE . . . .

i dont understand why this people doesnt have brain ! your brain on your ass right ? actually i dont know why this people just envy and judge me . hey see yourself first who are you ! i'm not say i'm blogger but i'm a human too , know everybody feeling . yes being BLOGGER is hard ! many jerk human always judge to us yah you being blogger first lah , you'll know how you feel like us ! actually we be nice to you already but you never respect to us ! . you say angry or not if people judge to you then say another bad word in your behind ? its really hurt you know !

i know someone said to me just now i think its from JERK team he said to me " sok inggris luw " its meaning ( like he doesnt like me to speak english ) hello handsome bro ! if you cant speak english please dont judge first . from begining we learnt alot from another people until now and you can learnt or lesson from your teacher , friends , family or who you shall no need to judge . hey english language is very INTERNATIONAL not like you say " sok inggris " . if you can't speak english you never success in your work and studied . 

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