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Friday 29 November 2013



i had tried this ETUDE HOUSE blusher , its very nice one and actually this is first time to use blusher on my face cause i just want to see how that sexy face .




system color :
#1 strawberry mousse 
#2 strawberry sugar
#3 raspberry tarts
#4 carrot cheesecake
#5 apricot pudding
#6 grapefruit jelly
#7 sugar rose macaroon 

content : 8,5 g 

Monday 25 November 2013

KEVIN WOO ( birthday )

holla holla ! today i want to said HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SOMEONE who is an idol in korea member from U-KISS ( kevin woo ) . he is my top idol because when i was primary school i fall in love with him already . he is very awesome , smart , handsome and dilligent but i hope i can find a man similiar face with him , but i think its hard too .

so its okay 
so i want to say " happy birthday kevin woo , wish you all the best , healthy , get pretty woman " we love you .

Friday 15 November 2013


The sad afternoon of my hair totaly tangled cause my friend (y) played my hair with a small and long comb , so i was worried and cry about my hair because I was afraid my hair could be bald and short . so when my classmates friends are known this problem so my all classmate are looking for ideas and help me. i am so touching T^T  and very thanks to them . although some friends hate me but thought they still care about me T^T OMG . i love you friends ( senior high school class grade 10-2 ) 

Friday 8 November 2013


 ETUDE HOUSE (orange nail polish)

yey promotion about etude house again !! i late to review about this ETUDE HOUSE nail polish item its because ETUDE HOUSE shop so far away from my country so i late to buy this nail polish to promotion on my blog.

actually i like this 2 colour ( orange and pink ) its look like so shine and light you can also to wear any shirt will suitable for you . I prefer bright colors like the color closest to the pink colour its look like so sweet and girly . you should also to try and buy 1 this colour's or buy another colour's just try and buy it maybe another colour's will suitable for you . 

 ETUDE HOUSE (pink nail polish )

wow amazing colors ! cheek cheek i love this pink colour's its look very suitable for me when i wear dark pink or wear about pink shirt . 

Friday 1 November 2013


you said to me you dont leave me , you dont hurt me . now you leave me and hurt me i told to you already if you dont like me please tell me soon i dont want become a toy to playing love . I do not know what I was wrong with him , I do not know why could be like this? i really sad and feel hurt now i feel wanna to die . i can't be strong and i already tired about this problem always become to me i am so fool and fool . 

why the guy said it was finally made ​​painful? why must become like that ? would not that make painful? i really very tired and tired 

you said you wanna travel world with me
you said you wanna currypuffs made by me
you said you only love me
you said you will wait me
you said you wanna persude my parents 
you said you love me forever
but what happend now ? break up ? 

I know that God only knows about mate If the pain continues it was very hurt me . i wanna find a true love ( MR RIGHT ) but i dont know when i m so really envy with my another friends with their boyfriend already 3 years and so how about me ? just 5 month ? SHIT ! 

i am not happy please make me become start a new life . i really really dont want to live this world . but i can be strong but must wait me a long time ! ganbate ^^