Hallo everyone this is my school project about motivation one . theres have 3 motivation about Nick vujicic , Steve jobs & Martin luther king . thats why our teachers ask us have this project . first we must learn what they have to learn , its mean they had to be succesful person but why we cant ? so dont give up on your life GUYS !
Quotes from NICK VUJICIC :
- if i fail , i try again , and again , and again .
if you fail , are you going to try again ? the human spirit can handle much worse than we realize .
its matters how you are going to finish .
are you going to finish strong ?
Quotes from STEVE JOBS :
- your time is limited ,
so dont waste it living someone else's life
- if you cant fly , then run .
if you cant run , then walk,
if you cant walk , then crowl,
but whatever you do ,
you have to keep moving forward .
QUOTES FROM ME : all begining are difficult , success needs efort , hardwork and patience .
WEEKEND DAY ! this my photoshoot ^^
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