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Friday 31 October 2014

happy halloween

hi everyone happy halloween!  what event you have tonight ? well before i had decided to come USS in singapore , its because i have a lot exam so i cant come :( . so this is my makeup about " zombie " how about guys ? 

Thursday 30 October 2014


OMG guys ! you know my teacher just now choose me to attend the parade show . whichs wear " indonesia traditional " costume . feel crazy and heartattack , well actually i dont want ! but my teacher always keep ask me to attend ! and i also to ask my couple to find the traditional indonesia costume . its because my home is far away from my school , my school in the city so hard to go and find it .

just now i had told to my father , my father said " why always you ? " and i replied my father question and said " i also dont know " . then my best friends also said " thats good if teacher are know you are the best one " . well i think im not -_- T^T . hope this is last time ba . see you my parade ! 

Wednesday 29 October 2014


actually i really never like a cat and my parents also dont like me to keep the animal into my house . so today i have save the cat whichs it was wedge on the wall . so i quickly to save the cat and suddenly it is very cute , you know why ? it find their mother to gave food . wow so touched ! its really good cat and i really proud too . thats why just now i learnt to love animal whichs cat ^3^ . 


hi everyone what happend today ? today it was bad . well , i will tell the story what happend of today .
the happend was my junior and the classmate have sport activity , so me and my classmate also have too . then suddenly we were the one of court . so when i walked by on the basketball court then suddenly my junior whichs boy's gonna hit my head with the basketball . so i was angry and said " bitch , pig , and dog !! " you know why ? its because they dont have felt sorry with me , they think it was so easy and relax . then their classmate whichs girl 's were talked about me in the behind ! what they doesnt mean ?! where they attitude ?? and HOW THEIR PARENTS TO TEACH THEM ?? fuvk ! 

" sorry " word you cant said ma ? i dont ask you to have NUDES or what i just want you said " sorry " word only ! 

BUT NOW i dont need the sorry word from you anymore ( to my junior ) but i just want you dont do like the same happend like just now to the others . now i feel disapPointed have junior like you too so i dont need the sorry " word " right now ! 

so guys if you have done something wrong to your family , friends or who please kindly say the " sorry " word to them . because they also have feeling too guys ;) . 

Tuesday 28 October 2014


wow so sian today -_- . because my all friend's and teacher's asked me to speeching in front of to my all friends on the stage . actually i was so shy and i think i cant do it . but i still to prove it to everyone and then when i was on the stage suddenly i was really doubt , trouble and afraid . i dont know what i'll gonna do and i dont know what i want to says , so my all friends gave me support and must do confident to my self . 

announcement only 3 hours later , the good announcement if i was the rank 3 of speeched . but my junior also laughed in front of me , but im also okay . thats why can make me become success person ! its because i never stay on the stage to speech so i dont have alot mental . if you be myself you will understand how felt it is ! now i dont be afraid anymore to appear on the stage . thats make me always to be brave person . 

QUOTES : confident your self and dont afraid , believe yourself if you are success person .

Sunday 26 October 2014

hallo weekend

hi everyone this morning i was went to ate breakfast with my parents and back home also going to do somethings de -_- . so today it was very busy time  , but i have some my selfie picture to share to you guys ! how about ?

Saturday 25 October 2014


OMG what happend last night ? the happend it was i used the oil colour paint and make my room become dirty now is clean already. and actually alot paint to choose but i dont know which part and what the other function of the other paint . so actually , the painting its for thursday later . last night it was just practice and had to drawed a " london telephone box " i wish i'll going to there soon T^T . 

so how about guys ? please give me some comment for my painting. its because this is my future want to be designer , architect , and painter . thank you guys ^^ . so how about thursday later ? what i want to draw ? maybe flower ? haha see you soon guys ^^


hi everyone ! how are you guys ? miss me >< ? haha well these day i was busy , its because alot things i want to do . so today its saturday lets have a break day and take a selfie shoot with the yellow and pink feather's . 

Sunday 19 October 2014

wahh ! hi everyone last night i had went to wedding party its about my old neighbour and we had some free photoshoot again and hold a biggest lollipop , wear witch hat and my fox headband . 

before post ,  i want to say sorry to everyone this first time the picture looks so blur . so next time i will use the other for shoot . last night its really forget to bring ipad so sian leh -_- . 

with my little elsa ( frozen )  . last night she really makes me shock suddenly in front of me to wear frozen elsa costume . so cute baby !  

Friday 17 October 2014

thank you babe

just now my little sister has gift me some necklace its about panda and cat . omg so cute and lovely ! thanks babe ! i will keep it forever what you gift to me .  @nelviana 


hi everyone after had an exam im going to reach on my little sister house who's always make me worry . she's my best one little sister just now at her room we do funny things and also to saw alot pink colour stuff at her room ! but she changed her minded to started love blue colour . this is us~~ with her phone samsungs5 its so nice shot !

step step step and seat at bedroom 

this is my some selfie~~

Tuesday 14 October 2014

what happend today ?

i dont know what happend today felt unlucky include these days too . today my friends was angry with me its because i dont gave her that answer question (exam) . well its not my fault too , its because when she asked me then suddenly supervisor/teacher was looked at me with a big eyes . so i was afraid to do not care and pretend not to see . and im afraid to subtract the value and i really so sorry and i didnt mind it :( . 


hi everyone which's using BBM i just wanna TO tell you dont invited this pin 2757DD10 " KOREAN HAIR CLIP " that online shop got cheat alot people money . include me and my friends ! so please and really becareful guys . 
hi everyone how are you guys ? dont ask me im good or not . in these day we have bad situation so im not good . well my money got cheated from the online shop ! its so sad we lost that money right now :( not me also my friends too . actually we had ordered that 2 coat all price is 380.000 IDR so in SGD is $37 T^T . this is the second one problems about the people had cheated my money ! T^T . lets god to punish her ! 

Sunday 12 October 2014

hallo weekend ! what everyone doing today ? wish have a nice day and blessed . today i had breakfast with my family again and i had bought some painting stuff for the 3 weeks more just for prepared and i had bought some brushes , colours oil , palette and drawing book for painting . i will post on my blog soon ^^ . and this is my selfie today with my roll hair but no one will know what i wear it ! haha 

Saturday 11 October 2014

Hi saturday

wow soon i got exam ! this shirt is from @mrmoe_ig you can check out on his instagram and this is first time to wear purple colour look so cute and lovely . there also have an new pants and shirt ! check out now guys !

Thursday 9 October 2014

wow just now had a dinner suddenly my mom to asked me to eat a bowl of birdnest , but i said i wont to eat . then my mother asked my father to delivered to my room . wow thank you daddy and mummy . the birdnest's  is so sweet and lovely <3 

be brave person

hi everyone maybe just now i have a problems , maybe i wont to tell you guys whats the problem and who's the person in inside.  but i just wanna to tell you guys i will be brave person i think it was just a small problem ba . 

if that guy have a BRAIN maybe they wont do like that .
i hope he will be a good person :) . 

Wednesday 8 October 2014


hi everyone this is my last week picture ! how about you guys ?

Sunday 5 October 2014

hi everyone ! today i was went to my cousin wedding party its really pretty and nice place its about restaurants but the design its looks so well . then we had some free photoshoot whichs with my parents and me . its seems like i was in japan >_< !

and i have selfie picture ~~

this my weekend and how about you guys ? 

Saturday 4 October 2014

hi everyone obviously today i must going to the party with my old classmate include with my teacher who's going to resign from our school . omg >_< he is the best teacher !! but my father condition is bad now so i must to stay at home in whole day and i hope he will get blessing and get well soon on the day and everyday , love you dad <3 . 

Friday 3 October 2014

rainbow hair

hi everyone today i wanna to show you guys about my new wig hair colour . its looks like unicorn hair so nice what ! i have blue , dark pink , purple and light pink colour so how about ? 

Thursday 2 October 2014


hi everyone today its so luck . you know why ? i got rank 2 of batik design at school , its because today was batik national of indonesia . then the happend was my friends ity said to me she got sick so she didnt want to attend the show then she suddenly to asked me to attend for it . but i dont want too ! suddenly my all friends gonna support me to design , so i must to attend it . but i really dont have idea what i want to draw -_- suddenly i still remember about " batik gongong " so i draw it but its not really similiar . 

so i was afraid because i dont know what i was do it , then i support on my self and said " reni moe you can do it " ! . 

the design almost 1 hours 30 minute in used . after to design i was went to the canteen with tasya . she always said " dont worry ! you will win " but i wasnt believe on my self . in my mind i will said " i think im a loser but i dont want to be a loser " suddenly after from the canteen my teacher gonna tell us to going up ( hall ) ! then the repport was show up ! my friends gonna anounce who the rank whichs started from 3 to 1 . suddenly i was sad and i dont know will win or what .so the announce was started from 3 whichs my bestfriends , 2 is me , and 1 is my senior . so my classmated friends really happy about it . not just batik design to announce almost like poem announce too who will win .

and then this is my batik gongong design . how ? its ugly what :(

QUOTES : you can believe on your self , i believe you can do it ! no matter ugly or beautiful but you have an effort its nice to you already . 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

today its really so sian what -_- tommorow have a event whichs include fashion show , design and make a story . so my friends gonna ask me to be fashion show on tommorow . well im not a model what then suddenly a few hours more , an information from my friends the event whichs fashion show its gonna be cancelled . because my all junior's doesnt want to have this show . so godness im not to be show on tommorow ^3^ . 

my new " boy " soft hat , its really nice what ? well i have take a lot picture of it . but i know my connection its really not very well , so maybe i will effort to post it soon ^^ see ya !!!!!!