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Wednesday 29 October 2014


hi everyone what happend today ? today it was bad . well , i will tell the story what happend of today .
the happend was my junior and the classmate have sport activity , so me and my classmate also have too . then suddenly we were the one of court . so when i walked by on the basketball court then suddenly my junior whichs boy's gonna hit my head with the basketball . so i was angry and said " bitch , pig , and dog !! " you know why ? its because they dont have felt sorry with me , they think it was so easy and relax . then their classmate whichs girl 's were talked about me in the behind ! what they doesnt mean ?! where they attitude ?? and HOW THEIR PARENTS TO TEACH THEM ?? fuvk ! 

" sorry " word you cant said ma ? i dont ask you to have NUDES or what i just want you said " sorry " word only ! 

BUT NOW i dont need the sorry word from you anymore ( to my junior ) but i just want you dont do like the same happend like just now to the others . now i feel disapPointed have junior like you too so i dont need the sorry " word " right now ! 

so guys if you have done something wrong to your family , friends or who please kindly say the " sorry " word to them . because they also have feeling too guys ;) . 

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