Real friends :
- They always talking about you ( good one )
- They always helping you
- They always comfort you
- They always acompany you
- They always ask to study together
- They always be your side no matter what happend
- They always helping you
- They always support you
- They always ask you to do good one
- When you cry , They always find that people who made you cry
- I care
- Far or near , they always come to your house
- They never leave you
- Hold it
- Understanding each other
- Heart
- Got new friends :
A : " hey C bro lets join with me and B , actually we have 2 more D & E but they are sick ."
B : " Yeah please be our best friends "- Bully you as a joke
Fake friends :
- They always ask you to do something , but after you've do suddenly they forget to you who are you
- They always talking about you ( bad one )
- They find you , when they need you
- They always borrow your goods things , but after that they forget you
- They using you , like maid
- When you cry , they ignore you
- I dont care
- Far or near , they never come to your house
- They leave you
- Lose it
- never understanding each other
- Hurt
- Got new friends :
A: " Hey C bro " ( gathering with new friends )
B: " -Ignored-"- Bully you as a real
so guys this is the different about fake friends and Real friends , please be careful in anytime . I help you guys cause I love you .