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Wednesday 1 January 2014


hi everyone happy new year and welcome 2014 , i wish you everybody get the god blessing and healthy in anytime . actually last night all the people went to the BBQ and new year dinner right ? . but i'dont ! its because my friends were going to holiday but my outside friends like different school friends their ask me to BBQ with them but  i am not sure i can go to their party its because my parents dont agree yet . huhu but its okay lah ! maybe next year i can join with them to get a very surprise party . exactly what you want to wishing in this year? okay this year my wish is i want me and all the people forget about past problems and start a new life . 

last night i was very badmood ! its because when i want to chat with them, they simply replied " sorry i'm busy " oh my gosh ! all the  people are replied like that not all the people lah my friends too also replied . but its okay ! because today is new year ma their must celebrate with their love , family and friends . everyyear i rarely celebrate its because yah maybe my friends going to holiday so i am so lonely and alone at home . haha

oh yeah last night is channel 8 on 50th years ! i also watching WANG LEEHOM concert on tv . very nice sound and awesome about his style haha OMG . 

so once again !
happy new year 2014 ^-^ 

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