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Saturday 11 January 2014


hello everyone ! last night i was very unlucky because someone cheat my money . because this happend its began from facebook first that facebook is my brother friend's ( girl ) so he/she want some cost for his/her phone then i give her its because i looks my brother friend's very nice with us so i help his/ her , maybe if I was trouble he/she could help me. so i dont know my brother friend's ( girl ) facebook already hacked by someone ,  i swear i really dont know about that . 

then i gave the cost to The person who hacked my brother friends facebook . so after that i waiting his/her to reply my message for me if the cost already send to him/her , but he/she still dont reply for me so i was afraid if he/she cheat my money . then i ask my brother to ask him friends if the cost already send to by me ? but my brother say if that facebook already hacked ! so I am very loss ! huhu . 

but that money i was very heartfelt with my parents . if it is not deceived maybe that money i bought for my IPAD CASE . but its okay next time i wont being stupid like that . 

you know last night i have save his/her cheated number and i message to his/her " if you need cost for your phone you must going to working or save your money you no need to cheat another people . their like you too need money must working or saving . you are god born you must being like a human " I'm very kind to say that to you i just want you conscious , if another people maybe going to call police or complain you . 

so guys ! please next time becareful and dont believe it !


  1. I'm so sorry this happened to you T^T I hope that person gets karma. I hope you feel better soon twin. Love, Denziiee.
