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Friday 6 February 2015

" HEY R "

Hey dearest ! guess ? what i wanna to post today ? so its about we have an unique alphabet whichs " R " with the Rinnieriot , Rinrindoll , Riri , & me ( ReniMoe ) . we also love the pink colours too . but the most people said my face its looks like song ah ri ( Riri ) she is korean from hosishop model , she looks cute . some people told to me if my face looks like Riri . and Rinrindoll is japanese she is the cosplayer and join other agency like model and etc . including Rinnieriot she is cosplayer and model too . 

so thats why we have an " R " alphabet together ! hey R 

RinRindoll :
Riri ( song ah ri ) : 

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