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Monday 18 August 2014


hi everyone last night i had to celebrate my birthday party at cafe with my friends and that day i was in badluck . you know why ? well i'll explain to you ! last night i had wakeup on 3:00 am to take a bath after that i went back to sleep till 5:00am suddenly on 5:25 am , i was to take a bath again then my bus school suddenly were pickup me so i dont have any time to washed my hair ! walao OMG -_-" ! then i was so angry and said " sir , why you so early to pickup me ? " then he said " your friends said 6:30 ( indonesia time ) started to school for ceremony " and i was confused and really really angry then after i arrived to school , no anyone people at school just me and ghost only . 

so after their came to school , finally i ask them with my emotion " you ! what did you said to driver ? why he pickup me so early ! you know so scary at school ! " then they said " i dont know " . walau ! you said " i dont know " all problems will be resolved ? you think easy ?! but its okay i'll be patient always .

and last night was indonesia independence day so everyschool must have to ceremony about it and we do some celebrate with teacher and friends . after ceremony i was went to my friends house to changed my shirt , after that we gonna went to another friends house and togethers going to cafe for celebrate my birthday party . 

so i was shock when i came to cafe , i though my another friends wouldnt come to my party . so i was wondered then at a few minutes ago , suddenly my friends to came and bring some birthday cake for me . wow so nice ! because this is first time ! i really love my friends alot . 

they know i love makeup so they were design some cosmetic cake for me . omg thank you my dear babe friends .

with my babe friends

the candle were melted so my friends ask me to quick for inflatable with .

after that we gonna to order some foods like fish , tomyam soup , fried chicken , tofu taiwan and etc .. 
and i wanna thanks to my babe friennds 
this is my story how about you ?

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