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Friday 1 August 2014

i am so happy can being blogger in this 2 year's , but like some people it doesnt like blogger they can judge blogger and said about bad word . almost blogger were be strong and ignored what people saying , they doesnt care . but how about me ? well i will tell you in this province of indonesia or my country ( TPI ) looks like all people to judge me and dont like me . actually i dont know which part they dont like me ? maybe i m ugly or what ? ya i dont care of this ! but this happend it was so serious and i never never wont forget it . you know what happend ? someone who put my picture on BBM ( blackberry messenger ) and changed her name become my name " reni " this information was from stranger friends who told me before about that happend . 

stranger friends : " hey are you reni ? "
me                     : " yes why ? "
stranger friends : " you talking about " xxx " w?
me                     :   " what ? no !! who said ? "
stranger friends : " oh really ? but 2 weeks ago a girl who put your picture and change become your name " reni " and she also call to my buddy and me to talk about " xxx " 
me                     : " so cheap she is ! " why she can do like that ? so   you have her BBM pin now ?
stranger friends : " i change my phone so i was lose contact " 
me                     : " you too so fool ! " 
stranger friends : " i though it was you " 
me                     : " shen jing bing ( crazy ) ! you think i am ?
stranger friends : " oh no sorry " 
me                     : " tell to your buddy that was not me , what she       talking about ? just xxx only ? no the other ? "
stranger friends : " she ask to borrow money with me and my           friends IDR 200. 000 ( so SG $20)
me                     : " for what ? sell her BODY aa ? "
stranger friends : " that is another reason but she said 200.000 its for paid any things and i think all she said is a fake reason " 
me                     : " wait ? she really sell her body aa ? hahaha you     too are fool believe like that "

haha see this is conversation with my stranger friends hahaha i hate actually but im be patient what she gonna do , but my friends keep to ask me to called " police " and i said " bu yao na me chong dong ( dont be rush ) i just want to know what she want to , why she must do like that ! 

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