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Sunday 3 August 2014

finally this afternoon my brother has sent some picture of me when i went to my aunt residence swimming pool , that day i was really looks so fat its because at singapore i just slept and ate then nothing to do . then a few hours we went to outside and bought some foods at shopping mall near my aunt residence . then every morning we start to shopping from 08:00 AM till 10:00 pm start from bugis to ochard rd . actually that day i was bring my swimsuit for swim but my hope it wasnt came true its because that all day were going to shop so dont have anytime to swim .

then this shirt is my new shirt bought at bugis junction then actually it has alot of colour like black , white , and brown colour ? i think its like that . actually i want to choose the black colour one but my brother said " white colour is most nice one and really suits for you " as the seller said too , then i was think " hmm okay i choose the white colour one " then i said i want the white colour one suddenly my mother bought for me . then go home i was to tried then i suddenly said " so nice as my brother and seller said too " then tommorow i wear it when the 3 days in singapore . i bought this shirt is the 2 days in singapore when i wear transparant shirt and go to ochard met some blogger's .. 

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