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Tuesday 12 August 2014

MY TOP IDOL ( Blogger , Model & DJ )

so hi everyone today i wanna share about them . just now i had to post on my instagram about them , actually i dont want to post a long story its because people will lazy to read about it and feel ignore it. so i will post on here ! well do you want to know who is them ? wanna guess ? haha so waste time ! so okay let see their picture first !

how ? handsome right ? so you know who they are ? had you seen them before ? actually their picture will gonna to put on my school desk for design . so everyday i can see them picture and no need to bring phone to school ! well i'll introduce to you about them its because they are my top idol and little crazy about it !

1. @typicalben his real name is benjamin toh , singapore blogger and he also change his colour style . well he's very cute i know him is from @bongqiuqiu she's top blogger in singapore same as like @xiaxue who's top pasific blogger . so it was started from he wascomment about qiuqiu picture , then i was curious and open it his instgram so i look him feltt wow like wow so cool and like a rock&roll boy . actually last week he made some video's with his bestfriends RAN who looks like brothers about 99+ random question . so funny ! its about future / as and alot so just checkout his youtube on #benranaways

2. @yutakis james he is singapore blogger and he also change his style it can say like fashion , hair and all . all the picture really so nice too ! well just now on instagram i had to post about me and my friends to him . first i really dont know about yutaki and all about bloggers before on 2012  ( the conversation under below ) :
friends : " hey i like yutaki " 
me       : " who is yutaki ? "
friends : " he's blogger ! handsome right ? " 
me       : " yap he's so . where his from ?
friends : " singapore and i wanna show you about a girl who have a pink colour hair ! " 
me       : " oh who is she ? "
friends : " she is xiaxue singapore blogger nice right ? " 
so from there i started to slowly to know about them and all blogger then from there too i can become a blogger .. 

3. @randyys actually i know about him is from BEN so i dont know about him well i just know he's super super cute . well he's singapore blogger i'll check about him at his more profile . 

4. @yycrab his real name is christopher he's model at malaysia all the picture so nice . actually i want to tag about his picture to instagram but when i countinue to see again actually i had unfollow him before . its because before i had following the people who i dont know . so i hope he will know what i wrote about him on my blog and instagram . 

5. @ericlim he's singapore blogger yutakis friends , actually i had to wait a long time for his instagram . so just now i followed him , he's so cool and not bad . but before i like him about his style !

6. @leeboongeo his real name is junichiro wallace i think his chinese name is lee boon geo i think . he's DJ from malaysia actually just now he following me back on my instagram oh my god and thank you ! i'm so excited ! so he had replied on my chat before but its a long time ago now i little miss him so much . and i like him about his DJ style before the picture its looks like EMO had a long hair so it was cool now he gonna to change his style .

well this is about to my idol so just that all and dont forget before sleep check our their blog . oh no just yycrab and lee boon geo dont have other blog so i'll post them account facebook !

eric lim

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