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Sunday 10 August 2014

hallo these 5 day's so bad my wifi gonna broke from the centre so i cant update on my blog but i was sick too with 40 degree untill now . but now is more better just cough and flu not yet get over . and this afternoon i gonna made some flower crown which is from packed flower who i bought at shopping mall . actually this afternoon i was bored and nothing to do so i made for fun only .

see pretty right ? actually we had orange colour flower but looks like its to big so i keep it as my room decoration . 

so after we look this above picture about my flower crown actually i want to take a picture with it , its because i dont have any time so i think tommorow or next weekends i will take it to post on my blog , facebook , twitter , instagram and etc . oh yeah 15 august is my birthday i dont know what will gonna happend with it , maybe i'll cry ? because i also missing someone who had leave me before . 

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