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Monday 25 August 2014


hi everyone last 2 days i had celebrate my mother birthday with my family at putien ( NEX ) , actually my mother on this wednesday she's birthday but my brother cant come here , so last night we had celebrate together . well i had 2 times to dinner at there first i was ate with my other cousin and this second i was ate with my family . i really love their foods , its really amazing ! 

it has alot of menu but my brother gonna ordered some foods . i just shoot on my self . 

me and my second brother @willman moe

after take a picture suddenly the food's has come and my brother has ordered 5 dishes . i dont know what dishes he gonna to ordered but its really delicious food . 

just check out go to " putien " restaurant on nex . their had amazing food you never to tried . its really delicious and taste its really unique . 

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